Change or cancel your booking here

Your booking for Riat 2025

If you want to change or cancel an existing booking, you can do so here. You can add extra campers or change your arrival and departure dates. Use the reference number (e.g. R123456) and associated email address to access your details.

You can change the dates or add extra campers for an existing booking here for one pitch here. If you are going to be joined by extras on a different start date, you can make a new booking

Reservation ID

Email address


Current Prices shown below...

RIAT 2025 is coming! - Live in:

Campers (9 years upwards) £15.00 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday £10.00 on any other night (i.e. Mon-Tues and Sunday) 4 - 8 years £5.00 per night Under 4 years of age - free